Contract disputes can occur for a variety of reasons such as a party failing to uphold the terms of a contract, denying that a contract exists, violating a contract’s terms, or failing to disclose important information when a contract is formed. Contract disputes can sometimes result in substantial damages or costly litigation.
While having an attorney to help draft a contract at the beginning can greatly reduce the chance of a future contract dispute from occurring, the fact is that sometimes this simply doesn’t happen. Sometimes even the best contracts can result in a contract dispute. When this happens, you need professional representation which can protect your rights. Often times contract disputes can be resolved quickly and affordably without having to go to court, however sometimes there are contract disputes where going to court is the only way to settle the matter.
The attorneys at Stoner Law Offices PLLC can provide the expert representation to help you settle your contract disputes in an affordable and effective way. If you are in the midst of a contract dispute, call us today at 412-515-0939 for a free consultation.