Blighted Property Conservatorship Attorney Pittsburgh

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Real estate in Pittsburgh is always a good investment. The town, once known for its steel mills, is now celebrated for its thriving art scene, beautiful architecture, and many bridges. Nestled near the Appalachian Trail, Pittsburgh is surrounded by stunning mountains and rivers.

Unfortunately, some properties in the area remain uncared for. Homes and buildings that have been abandoned or improperly maintained create a public nuisance. These properties, often referred to as “blighted,” can include vacant lots and structures that have fallen into disrepair.

How Act 135 Helps Address Blighted Properties?

Act 135
, also known as the Blighted Property Conservatorship Act, provides a solution for addressing neglected properties. By leveraging Act 135, community members, property owners, and organizations can petition the court to appoint a conservator to rehabilitate these properties. This process ensures that blighted properties are restored to usefulness and no longer pose a threat to their neighborhoods.

Blighted properties are not just eyesores—they can also be dangerous. These neglected spaces often attract vagrants and illegal activity, making the surrounding areas unsafe. People are frequently reluctant to patronize businesses located near blighted properties, further harming the community.

In residential neighborhoods, blighted properties can drive down the value of nearby homes. While demolition is sometimes pursued, it often becomes a costly burden for taxpayers. Instead, utilizing Act 135 to appoint a conservator is often a more cost-effective and sustainable solution for neighborhoods. This approach not only revitalizes properties but also helps maintain the overall integrity and safety of the community.

Photo of a book on the table

What are the Duties of a Conservator?

A conservator will be in charge of every element of rehabilitation of a blighted property. They must bring the property up to code and make sure that it can be sold or that it can be of benefit to the community. 

Some organizations give grants for rehabilitating blighted properties. Conservatorship benefits both the conservator and the community.

How Do You Get Conservatorship of a Blighted Property?

Acquiring conservatorship of a blighted property under Act 135 is a detailed process that can take several months and requires extensive paperwork. Act 135 provides a legal framework for individuals or organizations to petition the court for conservatorship, ensuring that neglected properties are rehabilitated and restored to usefulness. Working with a trained property attorney familiar with Act 135 is crucial to navigating this process effectively.

The attorneys at Stoner Law have years of experience dealing with Pittsburgh real estate issues, including Act 135 cases. They can guide you through filing the necessary paperwork, presenting evidence, and meeting the requirements to gain conservatorship of blighted properties. Let Stoner Law help you secure and rehabilitate the properties you want while contributing to the revitalization of your community.

Who Can Be A Conservator?

Both individuals and entities can apply to be a conservator of a property. The owner can apply for a conservatorship as can a lien holder. School districts and non-profit organizations will often have priority when obtaining a conservatorship of a blighted property. 

There are several steps you should take before petitioning for a conservatorship.

  1. Contact The Offices of Stoner Law

Obtaining a conservatorship requires plenty of research, Tons of paperwork, and attention to detail. It also requires an advanced knowledge of property law in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our attorneys can walk you through the process of getting a conservatorship. They are aware of all of the problems that can arise during the petitioning process. 

  1. Research the Property

When you hire us, we will thoroughly research the property. We will begin by doing a title search. The title will tell us who, if anyone owns the property and what its parameters are. It will also tell us if the property has liens on it.

We will also look for evidence that the property is a public nuisance. Although a property may look bad, it will not be considered an actual nuisance unless it:

  • Pollutes waterways
  • Interferes with access to public parks
  • Creates a public health hazard.

A property that is established as a public nuisance will be considered blighted if:

  • The owner did not purchase the property within the last 6 months
  • No one has lived in it for 12 months
  • No one has tried to sell it in the last 2 months. 
  • It is not in the process of being foreclosed upon.

Petition the Courts for a Conservatorship

When you want to become the conservator of a property or appoint a conservator, you will have to file a petition for conservatorship with the courts. You can file in a court that is in the same county as the property.

The petition asks for information about the property and the proposed conservator. You will list the name, address, and social security number EIN number of the proposed conservator.

It is a good idea to run a credit report and criminal background check on the proposed conservator to establish financial solvency and trustworthiness. They will want to see any approvals for loans and grants that have been attained for the property.

A sworn statement must be signed in which the petitioner will swear that the property is blighted by legal definition.

 Supporting documentation is also necessary. This should  include:

  1. Proof that city codes have been violated and that the property is a public nuisance such as citations.
  2. Mortgages, liens, and other encumberments on the property.
  3. A detailed property rehabilitation budget.

When you turn in your petition and your documentation, you will pay a fee. The court will set a hearing date. The hearing date should be within 60 days of the petition filing.

At Stoner Law, we will provide you with a Western Pennsylvania Real Estate Attorney. Our attorneys know every piece of paperwork you will need to petition for conservatorship backward and forwards. Mr. Stoner is also a  Pittsburgh Foreclosure Attorney who understands laws pertaining to squatters and other stumbling blocks that can hold up the process of a conservatorship.

Owners, lienholders, and members of your community may challenge your petition. Fortunately, Daniel H. Stoner is a trained Pittsburgh Disputes and Litigation Attorney. He can negotiate with any other interested parties and their attorneys for you on your behalf. He can also represent you at your hearing.

Person Signing A Document Next To A Toy House And The Other Person Is Poiting With A Pen

Notifying Interested Parties

Taking over a property is a big deal. There are often other people and entities who will have a legitimate legal interest in the property for which you want to appoint a conservator. 

A petitioner will have to fill out a Lis Pendens, which is a formal notification of an intent to take legal action on a property. The owner and lienholder must be notified of the proposed conservatorship. In some cases, the court may require you to notify other parties.

The Lis Pendens must be sent by certified mail to the last known address of whomever you are sending it to. If the certified letter is refused, you can send the document in the regular mail.

A hearing will be set for the proposed conservatorship. You must notify the owner and lien holders of the property of the hearing date as well. 

The Hearing

You will have the opportunity to present all of the evidence you have. The judge may raise any concerns they have about the petition. The owner or lienholders, or any other interested person may appear at this hearing if they would like to challenge the conservatorship.

The owner will often be given a chance to get their property up to code before an actual conservatorship is granted. They will have to post a bond in the amount of the petitioner’s preliminary budget in order to do this.

The trained attorneys at Stoner Law will be by your side at your hearing. We have assisted our clients with many successful conservatorship petitions over the years. 

If the court grants you the conservatorship, you will be given access to the property for the next 90 days. A hearing will be set for 120 days out. You will be expected to have a final budget by this time.

Stoner Law is staffed with lawyers, paralegals, and legal assistants who are committed to getting you a conservatorship on the property you want. 

If you plan to rent the property out, we can provide a  landlord and tenant lawyer.  Give us a call today. 

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Attorney Daniel Stoner is just what my small business needed. Dan took care of all legal aspects for starting a new business. He is professional and I am very pleased with his work. I have spent less time dealing with paperwork and more time pursuing new clients for my business. I recommend Dan!

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Attorney Stoner worked closely me to set up my LLC in Pittsburgh. He was very knowledgeable, informative and efficient. I would highly recommend Attorney Stoner to anyone owns a small business or wants to start up their own business.

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